
How to increase hemoglobin naturally | These 5 Juices Boost Hemoglobin

How to increase hemoglobin naturally

These 5 Juices Boost Hemoglobin, Energy, Include Them In Your Diet!

Hemoglobin is a substance in the blood cells that circulate in our body. Hemoglobin is a very important component of our body. Because our whole body runs on this and if it is lacking in the body, then you can become the target of many types of diseases. So, to stay away from this problem, some foods should be consumed.

Pain in any part of the body weakens the whole body. We all know how important it is to facilitate blood circulation in the body to stay alive. Not only this, if the level of hemoglobin in the blood falls, we are prone to many diseases and we feel tired all the time. Many people suffer from low hemoglobin. Due to this, some symptoms like fatigue, constant dizziness, nausea, feeling that there is no power in the body, feeling apathetic, not wanting to eat anything, and pale face start appearing. That is why it is very important to include some special foods in your diet so that the level of hemoglobin in the blood does not decrease and if it decreases, you do not have to take a lot of medicines. So let's learn about the foods that will keep your hemoglobin level in your blood balanced and keep you fit and healthy.

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Which fruit is best for hemoglobin? & What drinks have high iron? 


Most of the time, in fact, some of you will be including beets in your diet regularly. We can also eat beets in the form of juice or salad. Besides detoxifying the body, beets are also considered to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. People who consume beets in any form at least 2 times a week do not face the problem of hemoglobin or blood loss in the body.

Juices can be included in the daily diet to stay healthy. This keeps the health fit and also increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Drinking this is very beneficial for health.

A decent eating regimen is vital for keeping the body sound. Individuals incorporate milk, green vegetables, organic products, and different food sources into their eating regimen. Although doctors advise not to eat fast food like pizza burgers.

Problems arise where gas-related substances enter. At the same time, fat is increasing continuously. Doctors recommend drinking juice. Juice has benefits. There are also many juices, which work to increase the hemoglobin in the blood. Let us know about Magical 5 such drinks which is beneficial for health.

Beet juice works to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Drink it daily. Often women are deficient in hemoglobin. This juice is very beneficial for them. Beet juice is rich in potassium, vitamin C, manganese, and other nutrients.

How to increase hemoglobin naturally

Linseed and Sesame: A smoothie made from flaxseed i.e. linseed and sesame also beneficial for increasing hemoglobin levels in body.

Sesame seeds and flax seeds are rich in iron. Drinking it daily is also beneficial for bones. According to one report, these seeds are rich in nutrients like iron and zinc at 1.31 mg per teaspoon. Drink this juice fresh.

How to increase hemoglobin naturally

Spinach Smoothie: Spinach is considered a good source of iron. Spinach smoothie can also be used to increase hemoglobin if the hemoglobin in the blood is low. Nutrients like vitamin A and vitamin C are also found in spinach. To make a smoothie, mix 5-6 cashew nuts and coconut in two cups of spinach and grind them well. It should only be consumed fresh. It also works as an energy booster in our body.

Spinach is considered to be a treasure trove of many nutrients. Spinach is also considered effective for muscle growth. At the same time, it is said that eating spinach just twice a week has many health benefits and also prevents iron deficiency in the body.

Pomegranate Juice: Pomegranate is also rich in iron. It works to increase the blood in the body. Apart from this, all essential nutrients like Vitamin C, Manganese, and Vitamin A are found. As the level of hemoglobin increases, the level of oxygen in the body is also controlled. Gives helps with many kinds of illnesses.

How to increase hemoglobin naturally

Raisin Juice: Raisin works like a medicine for health. It is rich in iron, vitamins, and other minerals. Potato fever makes up for the lack of hemoglobin. People who have low hemoglobin levels and feel weak. Remember potato fever juice for your day-to-day diet. Take 5-6 plums to prepare it. Wash it and remove the seeds. Drink it by mixing a cup of water, a spoonful of lemon, and a spoonful of sugar

Iron is one of the most important nutrients that our body needs in many ways. On the other hand, a deficiency of iron in the body leads to anemia or loss of blood. In such a situation iron-rich foods have to be consumed to eliminate this deficiency. Today let us know about some such iron-rich foods.

It is said that health is wealth. A person who has a healthy body has the energy and ability to do anything in life. At the same time, it is very common for the body to become deficient in nutrients as we age. In such a situation it is not at all right to ignore this shortcoming. One such nutrient is iron. Iron deficiency in the body also reduces the production of blood cells, which can lead to many other problems in the future. In such a situation you should not suffer much from age-related problems. That's why we are going to tell you about some of the foods that can cure iron deficiency. Let us know about some such foods.

What are the symptoms of iron deficiency in pregnancy?

Iron deficiency in the body is very common and is especially common in women who are pregnant, menstruating or going through menopause. We will tell you that there are some symptoms of iron deficiency that you may experience such as fatigue, irregular or heavy periods, chest pain, difficulty breathing, dizziness, cold hands, and feet, etc. In fact, there are many supplements on the market that can correct iron deficiency. But if you want to choose some foods instead of them, you can do that too.

How to increase hemoglobin naturally


Amla is also known as Indian Gooseberry. Amla is plentiful in L-ascorbic acid, calcium, and iron. It is also considered beneficial in anemia due to the iron it contains. You can consume amla in many ways like pickles, candy, powder, marmalade, etc. Amla is also eaten raw or boiled. It is said that eating just one amla every day can benefit your health immensely.


If you are a sweet tooth, you should first eliminate sugar from your diet and replace it with jaggery. We want to tell you that just one piece of jaggery can meet your body's iron requirement for the day. Also if you want to stay healthy, include jaggery instead of sugar. Because it can have a positive effect on your overall health.

Cowpea If your body is deficient in iron or if you want to eat iron-rich foods, then definitely include cowpea in your diet. It contains 26 to 29 percent iron. This can cure iron deficiency in your body quickly.

Soaked raisins

Iron is found in all dry fruits. On the other hand, if we talk about raisins, along with iron, copper i.e. copper and vitamins are also found in it, which play an important role in the formation of blood. For this, soak 8 to 10 raisins overnight and eat them in the morning on an empty stomach. This will be very beneficial for your health.


If you are a meat eater, organ meats may be perfect for you. Consuming non-veg organ meats like liver, kidney, brain, and heart can be beneficial to compensate for iron deficiency. It provides a good amount of iron. In addition, if you consume a small amount of beef liver, it can meet 36 percent of the daily iron requirement.

Note: This article is for general information only. Nothing is claimed in this and it cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more details.

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